Open House 1-3

New students must sign up via sign up genius link  


Students will once again participate in the Math-a-Thon program to raise funds for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Grandparent Day and Silly Accessory Day

Students can enjoy making a special card for their grandparent(s) or special person in their life! Students can accessorize their school uniform with silly socks, ties, or sneakers!

Teacher Appreciation

Teachers and staff will enjoy a luncheon. We are grateful for our teachers!

Class Spirit Day and Pig Races!

Show your class spirit by accessorizing with your class colors. PreK 3 Neon Green PreK 4 Neon Yellow K Orange 1st Red 2nd Purple 3rd Light Green 4th Dark Green 5th Navy Blue 6th Yellow 7th Light Blue 8th Gray In the afternoon classes will compete against each other with the pig races!