Dress Code
All students must be in uniform every day. There will be dress down days which will be announced during the course of the school year. Uniform components (pants, shorts, skirts, jumpers, blouses, shirts, vests, and sweaters) may be purchased through Donnelly’s Uniforms, Blake’s Uniforms or Land’s End who does have our logo on file.
School begins in summer uniform. Winter uniform starts the last Monday of October and summer uniform starts April 1st. ALL UNIFORM REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES ARE SUBJECT TO THE DISCRETION OF THE PRINCIPAL. Please check Mrs. Kane’s Constant Contact newsletter and refer to your current handbook for the most up to date guidelines.
Pre-K 3 students do not need to wear a uniform, however they must follow dress code policies. Pre-K 4 students are required to wear the uniform polo shirt with the option to wear appropriate shorts, pants, skirts (for girls) sneakers, or shoes. They are also required to wear the gym uniform outlined below.
All black sneakers (or with a minimum of gray or white), or black dress shoe with no more than a one-inch heel are required for grades K-8. No sandal, no open-back shoes and no boots are permitted. A good running shoe is required for gym class. Any design/color is fine for gym class as long as they are a running sneaker.
All students — hair should be neat with bangs above the eyebrows. Boy’s hair should be above and not touch the shirt collar and trimmed around the ears. Unnatural hair coloring is not permitted.
No artificial nails may be worn. No tattoos of any kind including Henna. No Hologram contact lenses.
No body piercing except pierced ears is permitted. Girls may wear one pair of earrings not larger than a dime and without hoops. Boys may not wear earrings of any type.
Pajama style pants may not be worn at any time.
The uniform should be clean and pressed with all buttons attached and hem intact.
Winter Option (BOYS):
Boys Pre-K: Light blue, white, yellow, and red polo shirt with Saint Mary’s logo
Boys K-1: Light blue, white, yellow, and red polo shirt with Saint Mary’s logo, navy blue uniform pants, white or navy socks
Boys 2-8: Navy blue uniform pants, light blue, oxford shirt, navy blue tie, white or navy socks
Summer Option (BOYS)
Boys Pre-K: Light blue, white, yellow, and red polo shirt with Saint Mary’s logo
Boys K-1: Light blue, white, yellow, and red polo shirt with Saint Mary’s logo, navy blue uniform shorts or pants, white or navy socks
Boys 2-8: Light blue, white, yellow, and red polo shirt with Saint Mary’s logo, navy blue uniform shorts or pants, white or navy socks
Winter Option (GIRLS)
Girls Pre-K-1: Light blue, white, yellow, and red polo shirt with Saint Mary’s logo
Girls K-1: Light blue, white, yellow, and red polo shirt with Saint Mary’s logo. Uniform jumper must be at or below the knee. Navy blue uniform pants, white or navy socks.
Girls 2-3: Uniform jumper must be at or below the knee. Navy blue uniform pants, white peter pan collar blouse, navy blue or white tights or socks.
Girls 4-5: Plaid uniform skirt, which must be at or below knee. Navy blue uniform pants; white peter pan collared blouse, navy blue or white tights or socks.
Girls 6-8: Navy Uniform skirt (from Blakes or Donnelly’s only), which must be at or below the knee. Navy blue uniform pants, white oxford cloth shirt, navy blue or white socks.
Summer Option (GIRLS):
Girls Pre-K: Light blue, white, yellow, and red polo shirt with Saint Mary’s logo
Girls K-1 Light blue, white, yellow, and red polo shirt with Saint Mary’s logo. Uniform jumper must be at or below the knee. Navy blue uniform shorts, white or navy socks
Girls 2-3: Light blue, white, yellow, and red polo shirt with Saint Mary’s logo, navy blue uniform shorts or uniform jumper, white or navy socks
Girls 4-5: Light blue, white, yellow, and red polo shirt with Saint Mary’s logo, navy blue uniform shorts or plaid uniform skirt, white or navy socks
Girls 6-8: Light blue, white, yellow, and red polo shirt with Saint Mary’s logo, navy blue uniform (from Blake’s or Donnelly’s) skirt, or navy shorts, white or navy socks
A navy blue sweater/fleece with the SMA logo may also be worn. School zip up sweatshirts may be worn in classroom and kept neat and wrinkle free.
School socks may be knee, crew, or ankle length.
School will begin with the summer option.
The Winter dress code start day will be the last Monday of October each year.
The Summer dress code begins April 1st and will remain in effect until the end of the school year.
Physical Education Uniform
Gym Uniforms:
Winter Option: All students are to wear the navy blue gym shirt and the solid navy blue gym pants, both with logo, (either sweatpants or wind pants no stripes down the leg) and navy blue sweatshirt, which can be purchased from Blakes or Donnelly’s Uniforms, white socks, and a good athletic shoe.
Summer Option: All students are to wear the navy blue gym shirt, the navy blue gym shorts, both with the logo, white socks, and a good athletic shoe.
St. Mary’s Academy Uniform Closet
St. Mary’s Academy also has a uniform closet where families donate gently used uniforms that their children have grown out of; including pants, jumpers, tops, and ties. Current St. Mary’s families are welcome to come in anytime to see if any of the clothing works for their family. This is a free exchange and really a nice way to make room in your closet while helping out another SMA family.
Dress Down Days
Birthday Observances
Students may come to school dressed down on their birthday (summer birthdays are observed in June with a day TBD).
Dress Down Guidelines
Students may wear:
• Jeans
• Sneakers
• Sweatshirts
• Dresses
• Slacks
Students may not wear:
• Flip-flop sandals
• No open back shoes
• Tank tops
• T-shirts with inappropriate writing
• Shorts more than three inches above the knee
• Pajama pants
Good Rule: If you think you might not be permitted to wear it, don’t.